Help Academy in Clark, Philippines.

Let’s talk about HELP Academy in Clark, Philippines.

At Philippine Help Language Academy, buses are always ready for students.

Let’s briefly reveal the facilities within the school, This is lobby.

1:1 class and group class

You can improve your speaking and reading skills through 1:1 classes between high-quality teachers and students.

Group study can also improve your English skills through interaction between students.


The cafeteria is so spacious that students can eat comfortably at any time.

(Break fast 7:30am~08:00am Lunch 11:40am~12:20pm Dinner 05:50pm~06:30pm)

Meals are also served every Wednesday, focusing on students’ favorite foods, such as chicken and spaghetti!

Now, let’s talk about convenience store,
(Concession hours are 8am~10:30pm daily, gym hours are 06:00pm~10:30pm on weekdays, 10:00am – 09:00pm on weekends.)

(Table tennis court hours are 06:00pm~10:30pm on weekdays, 10:00am~09:00pm on weekends, and swimming pool hours are 10:00am~18:00 (weekends only))

(Gym hours are 06:00ap~09:00, 05pm~10:30pm on weekdays, 10:00am~05:00pm on weekends, and kitchen hours are 6:00am~08:00pm, and 10:00am~05:00pm on weekends.)

If you keep studying, you get bored, so our Help Language Academy helps you relieve stress.

Shop, table tennis court, swimming pool, gym, basketball court, etc.

It is designed by Help Language Academy to allow students to use convenient facilities.

And to briefly introduce the dormitory rooms, they range from single to quadruple rooms.

And at our Help Language Academy, we are installing outdoor tables for the convenience of our students. This is a place where students can eat, rest, and study. We are constantly working for a better environment.

This is a brief introduction to the facilities of Help Language Academy located in Clark, Philippines.

Since this is an English academy created solely for students, it has high-quality teachers and excellent facilities. And the advantage is that you can learn English more and more happily.

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