Wonderful Mountain Journay

Last weekend I went with my friends to Pinatubo Mountain of the Phhilippines. I got a wonderful experience from this travel of Pinatubo Mountain.
Overall, let me describee this unusually wonderful trip to the mountain. In the last Saturday, we woke up at 4 am, and then we met at the school hall, ready to take the car to the Pinatubo Mountain. After about one hour, we arrived to the transfer station near the mountain. The transfer station had almost 16 peeople, includeing us. The tour guide let us have a group of fouur people per each off road vehicle. I rode with Chinese friend and two Philippino sat in identical car, and then we traveled to the Pinatubo Mountain. On the way, I saw beautiful scenery and many birds were flying in the blue sky. At that moment, I felt fair and extremelly happy. We drove through the river and the rocky road. Finally, We arrived to the last mountain. We walked through the groves and the rivers, between walked to the top of the mountain, I felt my willpower was exercised, when I felt tired, I would think about beautiful scenery of the mountain’s top. And then I kept walking. After one hour, we arrived the top of this mountain. At this point ,I felt extremelly successful, and then I had the most beautiful mountain view of my life.
The experience of climbing the mountain taught me something, when you are doing somethign for a long time, and then you feel like you want to give up, do not keep going ,the result will make you be succesful and happy.
